Rx-4 Tablet & Capsule Counter for Hospitals

Hospitals choose the Rx-4 Automatic Tablet & Capsule Counter for easy, accurate, and efficient counting.

Rx Count’s affordable & versatile pill counters are the popular choice for hospitals and medical centers nationwide who depend on absolute accuracy for sorting medications for distribution to patients or filling prescriptions. The Rx-4 counts all shapes and sizes of tablets and capsules accurately, with a speed of up to 500 tablets or capsules per minute. Simple hands-free operation and a large, easy-to-read LED digital display make it the perfect solution for any busy medical facility’s tablet and capsule counting needs.

These prestigious hospitals trust Rx Count for accurate, cost-effective, automatic tablet & capsule counting solutions:

  • Duke University Hospital
  • Mayo Clinic
  • New York City HHS Hospital
  • Northwestern University Memorial Hospital
  • Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital
  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital
  • University Hospitals of Cleveland
  • U.S. Army & Navy hospitals worldwide
  • USNS Comfort
  • USNS Mercy
  • VA hospitals nationwide