In the past several years, we have noticed that many veterinary offices have been purchasing the Rx-4. We asked practice managers, vet techs, and others who are involved in the process why an Rx-4 Tablet and Capsule Counter is essential for their veterinary practice. Here’s what we heard.
“It’s easy to use.” The Rx-4 requires nearly no training when new staff are hired, and provides quick, accurate counts. In a setting such as a veterinary office where staff need to be cross-trained or efficiently task-switch, the Rx-4 is perfect for allowing just about anyone on staff to fill a prescription.
“It saves us money.” How can the Rx-4 save a veterinary practice money? The inventory tracking aspect is vital, as counts are accurate when the machine is used correctly. This means veterinary office teams have a handle on what is in stock at almost any point in time, and they are able to fill prescriptions knowing the inventory on hand. As well, they don’t have to deal with over- or under-counts when filling prescriptions, which can both cost practices money.
“There’s minimal maintenance required.” The Rx-4 isn’t like a car that requires frequent oil changes. There is little, if any, maintenance required to keep the Rx-4 running smoothly, meaning less downtime. It also means that your staff will be able to focus on what matters most: ensuring the best possible customer experience as well as pet health!
“It doesn’t take much space in our office.” The Rx-4’s small footprint is perfect for even rural veterinary practices with a minimum of counter space, and can fit on just about any countertop. In spite of its small size, the Rx-4 offers incredible speed and precision along with spot-on accuracy. Even if your veterinary practice has used traditional counting methods to this point, there is space needed to accomplish those tasks manually. The Rx-4 handles them efficiently and accurately.
“It’s versatile.” Many of the veterinary offices that have an Rx-4 have let us know that it works with all of the various tablets, capsules, and soft-gels. If your practice needs to count larger, chewable tablets, Rx Count offers a large pill sensor cover to accommodate those needs.
Veterinary offices around the country count on the Rx-4 to help their practices save money, ensure accuracy, and count a wide range of tablets and capsules—all while not using much counter space or requiring maintenance.
If you have questions, contact Rx Count today or click here to purchase your Rx-4!